Doing what we love most…

Onyx won't have any time to watch the cricket this summer...

Onyx won’t have any time to watch the cricket this summer…

It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks for Onyx Brass. The preparations for Tour de Brass! are now well underway and we are scouring the country for its best bandstands and public spaces, and can’t wait to get started.

With Tour de Brass! on the horizon, you might imagine us swapping trumpets for Piña Coladas? Feet up in front of the Ashes cricket? Absolutely not. This coming Thursday (13th June), we’re playing one of our favourite programmes at Music in The Round, Scarborough, including music by Monteverdi, Shostakovich, Ives, Copland. On Sunday (16th June) we’ll be doing the same at Wiltshere Music Centre.

Book tickets for Scarborough here,

and tickets for Wiltshere here.

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