
C Jam with Onyx goes live

Over the last month or so we’ve been working on a project that allows brass players (or anyone else) wherever they are the ability to #CJamwithOnyx. Go and visit our specific webpage to see all the videos and music that lets you join in with us in lockdown!

Dave’s Turn for his Isolation Playlist

Last week it was Amos’s turn, this week the Birmingham Royal Ballet have picked Dave for his isolation playlist. He has even managed to slot the Onyx Brass version of Dowland’s Lachrimae or Flow my Tears. Click here to see Dave’s choices

An Isolation Playlist from Amos

Amos has been asked for his ten favourite tracks for isolation by the Birmingham Royal Ballet. What do think? Do you agree? Any surprises? Have a listen over on Spotify and for some more background to his choices, go and visit the BRB website.

Alan Becomes Social Media Sensation

As all of us currently have no performing work due to the covid-19 restrictions, we have been looking at other ways of getting that fix and its fair to say Alan, more than the others has succeeded in this and over the course of the last month has become what one might describe as a…

Onyx visit the Great Birmingham Brass Fest

January 20th 2020 saw Onyx visit the Great Birmingham Brass Fest 2020 which was held at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and organised by our very own Amos Miller who is head of brass at the conservatoire. From performing two world premieres to appearing alongside horn playing superstar, Sarah Willis in one of her Horn Hangouts,…

A Day with the Guards

January 6th saw Onyx Brass spend a day working with the brass musicians of the Household Division at Wellington Barracks. Split up into informal discussions and some joint blowing, it gave us a great opportunity for us to get some rehearsal in for our joint concert at the Royal Military Chapel at the Barracks on…