Author Archive for Andrew Sutton

Onyx to Premiere Rhombus

Tuesday 13th July sees us return to a live audience for the first time in 2021 and only the second time since the pandemic began back in March 2020. While we haven’t been idle, returning to a semblance of normality is hugely exciting and it’s fitting that one of our main supporters, JAM, are giving…

JAM on the Marsh 2021

It’s JAM on the Marsh time, and this year is especially exciting due to live audiences being allowed back after last year’s virtual offering. In keeping with the festival’s commitment to commissioning new music and giving second (or more) performances of these commissions, both concerts we are involved in contain world premieres and the revisiting…

5 Star Reviews for Festmusik

Great to see that Festmusik: A Legacy is getting a lot of notice from the music press. Hot on the heels of the exemplary review from BBC Record Review, both Classical Music Magazine and the specialist brass website, 4Barsrest.com, awarded our Chandos recording 5 stars. Both reviews are very complementary about the title track with…

Festmusik on BBC Radio 3 Record Review

Saturday 5th June saw Festmusik: A Legacy featured on Andrew McGregor’s programme, Record Review. Andrew, alongside his guest, the pianist Roger Vignoles, showered praise on the recording with both commenting positively. Roger began by describing us as a “wonderful, virtuosic brass quintet” and went on to say the disc is “extraordinary…so enjoyable” and the music…

Stunningly crisp brass playing

Kate Molleson, BBC Radio 3, about Die Frauen und die Sänger from Festmusik: A Legacy

Festmusik makes it to the Classical Charts

Thank you to everyone that has bought, downloaded or streamed Festmusik: A Legacy and all that support has put the recording straight in at Number 7 in the Specialist Classical Music Charts. Amongst some pretty exulted company, we even beat the London Symphony Orchestra and Antonio Pappano which piqued Niall’s interest!

Onyx Visit British Army Band Tidworth

Hymne Rehearsal

April 30th was a big day for the group, seeing the release of Festmusik, however not resting on our laurels we were honoured to be invited to deliver a continuing professional development (CPD) day to the British Army Brass Band Tidworth at their barracks in Wiltshire. This is a second of such projects that we…