Tag Archive for JAM

New Music Recording to Welcome 2025

It was great to welcome in the New Year with the recording of some more new music this January. We are so privileged as a group that many composers write and send music to us for performance and recording so in a window in everybody’s tight schedules, we managed to arrange a day to commit…

Onyx to Premiere Turnage New Work as Part of Birthday Celebrations

In under 2 weeks, one of the highlights of our 30th year is to take place at St. Bride’s Church London with the premiere of Mark-Anthony Turnage’s new work, Onyx 30. A co-commission with JAM, it will form part of their 2023 Music of Our Time series. The annual concert that features new music for…

Happy 30th Birthday to us!

For Onyx, it is a very happy new year indeed. We are thirty years old and have decided to celebrate. As a birthday present to ourselves, we have commissioned some fabulous new music for brass. The year starts with us recording these for the NMC label and then our concerts will feature them as the…

Onyx to Premiere Rhombus

Tuesday 13th July sees us return to a live audience for the first time in 2021 and only the second time since the pandemic began back in March 2020. While we haven’t been idle, returning to a semblance of normality is hugely exciting and it’s fitting that one of our main supporters, JAM, are giving…

JAM on the Marsh 2021

It’s JAM on the Marsh time, and this year is especially exciting due to live audiences being allowed back after last year’s virtual offering. In keeping with the festival’s commitment to commissioning new music and giving second (or more) performances of these commissions, both concerts we are involved in contain world premieres and the revisiting…